Subscriptions and Periodicals Policy
Through DUTCH the store, Mokeham Publishing Inc. allows clients to take out and renew subscriptions to its periodicals, DUTCH the magazine and Maandblad de Krant. This policy applies to these periodical publications and associated trasactions.
Subscription Refunds
All or any paid periodical subscription fees are non-refundable.
Subscription delivery will start with the current issue following receipt of payment. Since Maandblad de Krant publishes on a monthly basis and DUTCH, the magazine on a bi-monthly basis (every two months), subscribers will receive their first issue between 4 to 6 weeks for Canadian and US residents, and up to three months for overseas residents, depending on where they live.
Subscribers may check the status of their order or change their mailing address by contacting us by telephone, email, mail or the contact form on this site. We do not commit to respond to subscription enquiries sent to us through our social media channels.
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Please refer to our Privacy Policy.
The views expressed in DUTCH the magazine, Maandblad de Krant and their respective websites and all other Mokeham Publishing websites and social media channels are those of the respective contributors and not necessarily those of the publisher or staff. Although all reasonable attempts are made to ensure accuracy, the publishers do not assume any liability for errors or omissions anywhere in the publications, or on its websites.
We consider unsolicited manuscripts, and mail for the correspondence pages. All editorial material sent to Mokeham Publishing will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication purposes and may be subject to editing. We reserve the right to reject submissions. We prefer to receive submissions via email, but do not guarantee that we will acknowledge receipt. We will not return submissions received in hardcopy format, and we advise sending duplicates only, if the original is to be retained.
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